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Class Variables vs. Class Instance Variables

  • Class Variables are accessed with @@
  • Class Instance Variables are accessed with @ from inside a class method

  • Class Variables are available only via the class

  • Class Instance Variables are available from the class or any of its subclasses

  • rule of thumb: Class Instance Variables are cleaner, but Class Variables are easier to use

Class Methods

  • a Class Method is an instance method of the eigenclass

eigenclass method lookup

Defining Class Methods

There are at least four idioms for defining Class Methods (i.e. switching contexts to the eigenclass of the class object and then defining a method there).

Number 2 is most common.

class Foo

  # 1. pass the target to def
  def Foo.a

  # 2. pass the target to def, relying on the fact that self
  # happens to be the class object right now
  def self.b

  # switch from class scope to singleton class scope
  class << self

    # 3. define a plain accessor in singleton class scope
    def c

    # 4. use a macro to define an accessor
    attr_reader :d

(There are probably half a dozen more ways to do this, once you factor in class_eval and define_method and the like, but that should satisfy you for now. :-))

Class Instance Variable Scope

Remember: class methods access class instance variables.

class Foo
  @a, @b, @c, @d = 1, 2, 3, 4

  # 1. pass the target to def
  def Foo.a

  # 2. pass the target to def, relying on the fact that self
  # happens to be the class object right now
  def self.b

  # switch from class scope to singleton class scope
  class << self

    # 3. define a plain accessor in singleton class scope
    def c

    # 4. use a macro to define an accessor
    attr_reader :d


p [Foo.a, Foo.b, Foo.c, Foo.d]
#=> [1, 2, 3, 4]

Class Instance Variable Gotcha

Remember: class instance variables are only available via the class they're defined on.

If you try to call any of those methods from (or via) a subclass, the methods will execute, but the @ variables will all be nil, since self will be the subclass's class object, not the parent class' class object.

class Bar < Foo

p [Bar.a, Bar.b, Bar.c, Bar.d]
#=> [nil, nil, nil, nil]