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how to use Web APIs and embedded widgets to serve maps, videos, surveys, and other content from around the Web inside your own sites





Embedding is the process of including media from other sources into your web sites.

Interactive Embedding

Sometimes you can use JavaScript to interact with the embedded file or app as if it were another User Interface element on your page!

For instance, you could programmatically pause and play an embedded audio clip, say, playing "hoorah!" when the user wins a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.

Or, if the user moves their location on an embedded Google Map, your app could be notified and find the city name and look up restaurants in that area on Yelp's API.

This lesson focuses on interactive embedding: using JavaScript to pass messages between your page's scripts and the embedded media. The Embedding Media lesson covers static embedding: displaying media and allowing the user to interact with it directly.

Interactive Mapping

Interactive Mapping