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More Neat Things About Ruby
This section is a continuation of "ruby intro", covering more advanced topics. It is still intended as a brief, lightweight overview of the Ruby language; following sections will cover all these topics in much more detail.
Reopening classes
class Fixnum
def divisible_by? n
self % n == 0
4.divisible_by? 2 #=> true
4.divisible_by? 3 #=> false
Duck Typing
- If it looks like a duck...
- and it quacks like a duck...
- then it is a duck!
- In other words
- we don't care what an object is;
- we care what it does
Modules and Mixins
- Any class (or object) can include a Module
- also known as mixing in
- so Modules are also called mixins
- Modules provide behavior but no state
- more precisely, they affect the extending object's state
- Provides most of the power of multiple inheritance, but less confusing
Array Assignment
@width, @height = width, height
@width, @height = [width, height]
def dimensions
[10, 20]
@width, @height = dimensions
- macros (class methods)
Classes are objects
- class methods are really just methods on the class object
- code evaluated in the scope of a class definition acts on the class object
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)
- Rails
- Rake
- Cucumber
- Rspec
- etc.
No Function Overloading
- Some OO languages allow several methods with the same name but different parameters...
- ...but not Ruby!
- If you redefine a method, the new one replaces the old one
- There are tricks to save the old method if you need to call it
Operators are Methods
1 + 2
1.send "+", 2
send the object
the message+
with the parameter2
Operator Overriding
- operators like
, etc. are defined as methods - so they can be overridden like any method
has some great ones
"abc" * 3 #=> "abcabcabc"
"abc" << "def" #=> "abcdef"
"%d live crew" % 2 #=> "2 live crew"