In this lesson you will create a trivial web application in NodeJS and deploy it to Heroku, where it will be visible to everyone on the Internet.
In your Terminal, make a directory called hello_node
with mkdir hello_node
Immediately enter the directory with cd hello_node
Launch the Visual Studio Code text editor in this directory with code .
(pronounced "Code Dot")
code .
fails, launch Code, type CMD-SHIFT-P, then type "install" and select Install 'code' Command In Path
Inside this directory make a file named server.js
and fill it with the following code:
let http = require('http');
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;
http.createServer(function(request, response){
response.write('Hello from NodeJS!');
console.log("Listening on port " + port);
Go back to the Terminal and run the app with node server.js
Visit http://localhost:5000/ to see it running on your own computer.
A package file contains information about how to build and run your app.
In Code, create a file named package.json
and fill it with this:
"name": "hello-node",
"scripts": {
"start": "node server.js"
Note that the code after
is exactly what you typed in the shell to run the app locally.
You can test this locally by running npm start
and refreshing your browser.
Now make a git repo for your app.
Remember to press CTRL-C to stop the server
Make sure you are in the correct directory with
pwd # the response should end with "hello_node"
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
Heroku uses git for its deploys. Whenever you push a new version of your git repo to Heroku, it automatically deploys the app to the cloud.
heroku create
git push heroku master
If all goes well, you will see a URL on your console, something like this:
remote: deployed to Heroku
Visit this URL in a web browser using copy-and-paste, or use this handy shortcut from the console:
heroku open
If you are working with a partner, give them a high five.
If you are alone, give yourself a high five.
You deserve it!
Now go back to Code, and modify the app so instead of saying "Hello from NodeJS!" it says something clever and personalized.
Once you've made the change...
Some other Node tutorials:
see also