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The goal is to write the client and server for a simple web based chat application.

Use the Blog lesson for inspiration and sample code (but please keep the copypasta to a minimum).


This wireframe is meant to give you a rough idea of the necessary user interace elements. Use your own imagination to design the placement and look of panels and buttons.

Hi, alex!

        Main Room               All Rooms
/--------------------------\  /-----------------\
|                          |  | Main            |
|                          |  | Dogs            |
| alex: hi                 |  | Debugging       |
| abby: woof               |  \-----------------/
/------------------------\  /------\  /---------\
| good mor|              |  | Send |  | Refresh |
\------------------------/  \------/  \---------/

Message Schema

Can be represented as a JSON object in a POST body or as a query string on GET requests

name format details
when Date (in ISO8601 format) the moment the message was sent
body String (max 500 characters) the content of the message
author String (max 100 characters) the username of the message sender

e.g. json { "when": "2018-07-15T20:00:47.696Z", "author": "alex", "body": "my dog has fleas" }

Routes (with a single default room)

Route Input Output
GET / nothing HTML: main page
GET /chat since= [optional] JSON: list of messages
POST /chat body= [required]
author= [optional]
JSON: list of messages

Object Model

Based on the metaphor of a "chat room", here is an object model to use on the server.

First, create three files:


// a message has a sender, a time, and a body
module.exports = class Message {



// a room contains messages, in chronological order
module.exports = class Room {



// a chat house contains chat rooms
module.exports = class House {


When implementing a feature, consider which object should have that responsibility.

For example, the responsibility of listing all rooms should be on the house, not on an individual room.

Remember that it's possible to refactor to classes. If your code looks like this:

function sendChatMessages(roomId, since, response) {
  let messages = rooms[roomId].messages;
  messages = messagesSince(messages, since);
  let data = JSON.stringify(messages);

then it could look like this after:

function sendChatMessages(roomId, since, response) {
  let room = house.roomWithId(roomId);
  let messages = room.messagesSince(since);
  let data = JSON.stringify(messages);


Send And Receive

Given an empty chat room

When a user types their name into the username field

And types a message into the message field

And clicks the "Send" button

Then the message appears in the chat room (including the username, e.g. alex: good morning


  • on the server, write code for the POST route
  • on the client, write code to
    • grab the data from the form
    • send it to the server
    • receive a list of messages in the response
    • put the messages in the chat room text area

Recent Messages

Given a set of messages in the recent past

When a user clicks the Refresh button

Then their client adds a since parameter to the GET request

And only messages that were sent since then are returned



  • every GET accepts a parameter since
  • if no since is specified, it sends all messages


  • Create a variable named something like latestMessageAt
  • When you receive a list of messages, set latestMessageAt to the most recent message time
  • When you request a list of messages, add since to the request

Q: should you log the time the message was sent or the time you received it? Does it matter?

Poll for new messages every 10 seconds

Given a new message is sent

Then the client will see it in less than 10 seconds (without clicking Refresh)



Client: Add an author field to the "submit message" form.

Server: Process this author parameter and save it in the message.

More client: Make sure the client UI displays the name as well as the body of each message.

Extra credit: store the name in a cookie so the user doesn't have to keep typing it

Message should be displayed with the author and created_at


Given an incoming message

When the message body is more than 500 characters long

Then the message is rejected

And the user sees an error message


Instead of the single Main room, enable a few different rooms that are always available, so

  • GET /chat/rooms/dogs gets all messages from the room whose id is "dogs".
  • POST /chat/rooms/dogs sends a message to that room

Any message sent to /chat will still work, displayed in the Main room.

The client should show a list of all available rooms, either in a popup menu or a scrolling list.


  • Build a beautiful, usable, responsive front end
    • possibly in React
  • Handle scrolling back through older messages (like Slack)
  • Persistence (after server restart)
  • is a Node library that provides real-time asynchronous publish-and-subscribe messaging using WebSockets.
    • Implement a Web Sockets API instead of polling.
    • with Web Sockets, add "Someone is typing..." transient notifications