Interview Rotation
The goal of this project is to give you experience as both the interviewer and the interviewee in a technical interview.
- Watch the Google Technical Interview Video and discuss
- Pair up.
- Each pair should pick one of the following "Rosetta Code" interview questions.
- [30 min] Solve the problem together.
- When the bell rings, find a new pair partner. Do not pick someone who has solved the same problem.
- [30 min] Role play! One person does a technical interview of the other, asking the interviewee to solve a problem that the interviewer has already learned.
- [30 min] Repeat steps 5 & 6 as time allows. Alternate which role you play so you get experience as both an interviewer and an interviewee.
Sample Schedule
time | activity |
9:15 am | watch and discuss the Google Interview video |
10:00 am | group up and learn (or review) a particular puzzle |
10:30 am | pair up and roleplay an interviewer + interviewee |
11:00 am | re-pair and repeat roleplay (swap roles and partners) |
11:30 am | re-pair and repeat roleplay |
From now until you get a job, you should add "coding interview prep" to your practice. Every week or so, learn a new interview problem, and periodically meet with fellow job-seeking students to role play interviews again.
Here are some resources to help you on your path:
General Resources:
TopCoder Understanding BigO Notation "Big O" measures the efficiency of a particular algorithm; many coding interview problems have a clever solution that will greatly reduce its Big O value.
BigO Cheat Sheet - Graph and matrix of data structures and algorithms for use in calculating BigO of a solution.
TopCoder Algorithm Tutorials - Explanation of general algorithm approaches to interview problems.
30Seconds Of Interviews - Quick and short interview questions in a verbal format, similar to flash cards.
10 Questions Every JavaScript Developer Should Know -- if you like this first article by Eric Elliott then you will probably enjoy his deeper dives into other topics in his series on Medium titled "Master the JavaScript Interview"
- HackerRank - Interview practice problems and articles for developers
- CodeSignal - Progression of programming interview questions
- LeetCode - Collection of programmer interview questions
- CodeWars - Community powered programmer problems
- Advent of Code - Yearly set of challenges, starting on Dec. 1st.
- Rosetta Code - Programming challenges from FreeCodeCamp.
- Project Euler - Large list of math oriented programming questions and community of solvers.